Astrology is an ancient study of the planets and how they affect our lives here on Earth. There are many forms of Astrology and ways to understand the connection of our inner world to our outer world. Like religions, as we evolve in our consciousness as humans, so do our tools of divination. As we evolve and our tools evolve, it does not mean we completely throw out the old, but we might find more applicable ways to use it. Astrology at its best, is a process of overlay. Astrologers are trained in the art of blending all of the small details to best understand the story at hand. Please see the 'ABOUT' page for more information.
Constellations are a cluster of stars in the sky that have a unique pattern. These patterns are named and identified as Constellations based on the appearance of their pattern. Not all Constellations are part of the Zodiac. Zodiac = 'circle of life' in Greek.
The Zodiac provides archetypal energy as an influence in the seasons as witnessed from Earth.
Tropical Astrology is based on the position of the Sun and the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere. Less emphasis is placed on the constellations and the shift of the perspective of the stars from Earth. This is not to say that the characteristics of the constellations are not considered, just that the shifting of the stars from Earth is not a factor.
Sidereal Astrology places more emphasis on the Constellations and Moon, rather than the placement of the Sun. This is the more prominent approach practiced in India and the shift of the stars in relation to the Earth is taken into consideration.
Whole sign charts divide each of the 12 Zodiac into equal parts
This chart will have unequal distribution of degrees between the Zodiac based on a person’s birth time and place.
Ancient Astrology practiced around the Mediterranean Basin region. This form of Astrology holds true to how it was originally developed and maintains authentic pieces that were tried and true from the 1st century BCE through the 7th century CE.
Evolutionary Astrology dives deep into the Lunar Node points focusing on past and present lives. This form of Astrology offers beautiful guidance on how to move forward with information we find in our birth charts.
Places more emphasis on the Moon and is heavily influenced by the constellations. This is a practice most common in India.
This is a chart derived from finding the midpoints of placements between 2 people. This chart becomes the birth chart for the relationship. If you know the day you met, this can also be used as a birth chart for the relationship. Along with Synastry Charts, these are used to better understand relationships between 2 people. This is great for any type of relationship you care about and would like to improve upon.
Secondary Progressions is an ancient technique that advances the planetary positions based on ‘a-day-for-a-year’ progression. This is helpful in adding another layer to what is relevant in your life now compared to years prior.
Lunar Cycles change frequently and there are many ways to approach looking at the Moon and its influence on your life. The moon offers a deeper understanding in relationships, inner experiences, and home life. Each month when the moon returns to the shape it was at the time of your birth can be treated like another New Moon Phase for you. There are additional moon techniques, such as Lunar Return (when the moon returns to the degree it was at when you were born) and Progressed Moon (moves approximately one degree per month and takes 27.5 years for it to go through all signs) which indicate what stage your emotional life is at.
Solar Return is the day each year that the Sun returns to the exact degree as the time of your birth. This chart represents the year ahead from your birthday and can clarify what your soul wants to focus on for the year ahead.
An Annual Profection is an area of the chart that becomes in focus due to age. Each year a new Annual Profection will be in focus based on your age, but the planet it highlights will be different for each person based on their birth chart. Both Solar Returns and Annual Profections are wonderful for readings around your birthday, but can be used any time of the year.