

Birth Chart

This is an interpretation of your chart at the time of your birth. This is your soul’s imprint and has influence throughout your life. As transits activate positions in your chart, a new energy focus comes into play. A birth chart reading will look at important themes for your life and how current planetary positions could be affecting you. This is an opportunity to understand where your energy and focus is best spent, as well as seeing opportunities as they arise and knowing how to make the most out of them.


For birth chart readings, Jennifer uses a blend of Tropical Whole Sign and Placidus charts. She also considers Progressed charts, Solar returns, Lunar cycles , Hellenistic (ancient astrology) and some Vedic techniques. It is through layering where we have been and where we are going that we can understand the story with more clarity.


See definitions for terms in FAQs.


This is a practice of blending the energy between two charts. For synastry readings you must have consent from the 2nd birth chart person and ideally both people present. For synastry readings, Jennifer will explore the energy created when the birth charts of 2 people come together. This is not a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as far as the outcome of a relationship, but rather understanding how to navigate what is present.


When reading synastry charts, Jennifer uses Tropical and Vedic tools to read the dynamic at play. Composite charts are also considered and this is a chart that is drawn up as a blend of the two birth charts, which represents the relationship. This technique is helpful for relationship dynamics of ALL kinds.


Also referred to as Locational or Relocation Astrology - this is a practice that can give you information about how places in the world might blend with the energy of your birth chart. Your birth chart will always be your main imprint regardless or where you live, but like Synastry readings, when we merge with other people and places, the energy of a place will feel different from one person to the next.

Additional Practices

Secondary Progressions, Lunar Cycles, Solar Returns and Annual Profections - These are all timing techniques that indicate how current movement in the sky has influenced your birth chart. Your birth chart is still the main imprint you are working with, but as the years go by there is an evolution of energy that is considered through the above techniques.


Secondary Progressions is an ancient technique that advances the planetary positions based on ‘a-day-for-a-year’ progression. This is helpful in adding another layer to what is relevant in your life now compared to years prior.


Lunar Cycles change frequently. Looking more closely at Lunar Cycles in your current life can give more information on where you are at emotionally. This offers a deeper understanding in relationships, inner experiences, and home life.


Solar Return is the day each year that the Sun returns to the exact degree as the time of your birth. This chart represents the year ahead from your birthday and can clarify what your soul wants to focus on for the year ahead.


Annual Profections will highlight another theme for the year ahead based on the age you are. Both Solar Returns and Annual Profections are wonderful for readings around your birthday, but can be used any time of the year.